
Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Anyone

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stockingWith only 7 days until Christmas time is running out if you are not finished your Christmas shopping yet. What are you waiting for!? Many many people complain that the hardest thing about holiday shopping is finding things to put in stockings.

There is obviously the basics, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, new razors, shaving cream and so on. All the things that normally people don’t like buying but know that they have. To help out a little with the rest we thought we would give you some ideas of things you can fill those stockings with that will work for anyone, for about $10 or less!

  1. Coffee people – It is guaranteed you have at least one of these people in your life. Starbucks, Second Cup, Bridgehead and Tim Hortons all have really great small items that are PERFECT to put in a stocking. One of the traditions in my family is to get a bag of the holiday blend coffee for the coffee lovers.
  2. Tea people – Instead of going to the grocery store and picking out a box of tea that your tea lover can get anytime check out places like David’s Tea or Teavana. Both of these places sell loose leaf tea in what feels like a hundred different flavours and styles. Tea lovers can never have enough variety or tea accessories.
  3.  Outdoor people – These people love to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer. So getting them things like wool socks, a new toque, long johns, hot paws and grips for the bottom of their boots are all ideas that are relatively inexpensive but something that they need!
  4. Movie people – If your movie person likes to go out to the movies all the time, maybe a gift certificate for their favourite movie theater. If they are the type that like to curl up on the couch, maybe a box of popcorn, some of their favourite junk food from bulk barn, or memorabilia from their favourite movie!
  5. Book people – These lovely people probably already have an ereader of some sort so why not fuel their addiction and with a gift card so they could buy more books. Another idea is to get your book person reading socks! (They are a little more then the $10 or less budget but they are well worth it) Bookmarks, book covers, magazines and accessories for their ereader are also really great ideas.

Do you have anything that you absolutely have to include in your stockings every year? Let us know and we will keep sharing the ideas. This years stockings will be a breeze!

The Trick to Picking the Perfect Christmas Tree

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FU79HFVG33OQ7QC.LARGEWe all learnt from Charlie Brown that finding the perfect Christmas tree is very important during the holiday season. There are some major factors in picking one out that everyone that is planning on purchasing a real tree needs to understand. Here are some tips for picking out the best possible tree for your house.

  1. The preparation is very important! There are three things to consider. 
    1.  Before you go out to pick your tree measure the height of the ceiling in the place you would like to put your tree. Then when you are picking a tree, try to pick one at least 1 foot shorter so that you have room for your tree topper.
    2. Make sure it is relatively close to a plug. You don’t want extension cords all over your house.
    3. Make sure you have a stand that will hold this tree in place!
  2. Give it a little shake. Seriously! Before you bring that tree home run your fingers through the branches a little bit and give the whole tree a little shake. This is how you check how fresh the tree really is. If a bunch of needles fall off, well you know that that tree is not going to last very long. It will be bald in days and all over your house! Pick a tree that very little falls from it and you will have a happy healthy tree for a while.
  3. Check out the base. Because it’s all about the base… (not the Megan Trainer song but good try) Make sure that the base of your tree is at least 6 inches long so that it will fit in your stand properly. If it doesn’t have quite enough room, just trim off the bottom branches a little bit.

Once you have your beautiful tree home there is some maintenance involved. Here are some tips on how to keep your tree healthy and alive for the time that you need, click here.

Happy tree picking from The Ultimate Man Show!